Retrieve a policy Run in API Explorer

GET /api/v1/policies/{policy_id}

Retrieves the details of an existing policy. Supply the unique policy ID from either a policy creation request or the policy list, and 1099Policy will return the corresponding policy information.

Path parameters

  • policy string Required

    The ID of the desired policy (e.g., pl_WzFRszJhoY).


  • 200 application/json

    Returns a policy object if a valid ID was provided.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • URLs to the certificates of insurance for each of the types of coverage issued to the contractor for the specific job assignment.

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide certificates attributes Show certificates attributes object
      • The general liability certificate of insurance PDF URL.

      • The workers compensation certificate of insurance PDF URL.

    • created integer(int64)

      Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • effective_date integer(int64)

      A timestamp used to determine the insurance policy start date. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. The default effective_date is the next day.

    • expiration_date integer(int64)

      A timestemp used to determine the insurance policy end date. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. The default expiration_date is 30 days after the effective_date.

    • id string
    • pdf_url string

      A URL for the hosted insurnace policy PDF, which contractors can view.

    • quote string

      The ID of the quote used to create the policy.

    • One of active, cancelled, or expired.

      Values are active, cancelled, or expired.

GET /api/v1/policies/{policy_id}
curl \
 --request GET{policy_id}
Response examples (200)
  "certificates": {
    "gl_coi_pdf_url": "/bound-policies/prod/gl_coi_pl_wv23Q3lMc1_1691450123.pdf",
    "wc_coi_pdf_url": "/bound-policies/prod/wc_coi_pl_wv23Q3lMc1_1691420903.pdf"
  "created": 1646818364,
  "effective_date": 1646818364,
  "expiration_date": 1678334737,
  "id": "pl_WzFRszJhoY",
  "pdf_url": "",
  "quote": "qt_5DciVga8Kt",
  "status": "active"