Create an assignment Run in API Explorer

POST /api/v1/assignments

This endpoint creates an assignment object that you can use to attach insurance coverage to any job assignment a contractor takes after the contractor has gone active on the 1099Policy platform (i.e., after completing thier insurance application successfully).



  • bind boolean

    Indicates whether to start the process of binding coverage, which includes notifying and subsequently charging the independent contractor for the premium amount due. Defaults to true. When false, 1099Policy does not notify or schedule a charge. Note that the independent contractor is not issued coverage if bind is set to false.

  • contractor string Required

    ID of the contractor

  • coverage_type array[string]

    An array of coverage types that can include one or more of the following insurance coverage values: general, professional and workers-comp. If provided, coverage type is factored into the eligibility determination (i.e., does contractor have an active workers-comp policy, etc). Defaults to the coverage types of the most recent active policy if coverage_type is not provided.

    Values are general, professional, or workers-comp.

  • The job assignment start date, measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. This date must be set in the future. The default effective_date is the next day.

  • end_date integer

    The projected job assignment end date, measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. This date must be after the effective date. The default end_date is 30 days after the effective date.

  • job string Required

    ID of the job that the contractor was paid to do.

  • policy string

    ID of the policy that you want attached to the assignment. Defaults to the most recent active policy with a matching job category code, work state and contractor home state.


  • 201 application/json

    Returns the assignment object if the post succeeded.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • Indicates whether to start the process of binding coverage, which includes notifying and subsequently charging the independent contractor for the premium amount due. Defaults to true. When false, 1099Policy does not notify or schedule a charge. Note that the independent contractor will not be issued coverage if bind is set to false.

      Default value is true.

    • URLs to the certificates of insurance for each of the types of coverage issued to the contractor for the specific job assignment.

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide certificates attributes Show certificates attributes object
      • The general liability certificate of insurance PDF URL.

      • The workers compensation certificate of insurance PDF URL.

    • ID of the contractor.

    • coverage_type array[string]

      An array of coverage types that can include one or more of the following insurance coverage values: general, professional and workers-comp. If provided, coverage type is factored into the eligibility determination (i.e., does contractor have an active workers-comp policy, etc). Defaults to the coverage types of the most recent active policy if coverage_type is not provided.

      Values are general, professional, or workers-comp.

    • created integer(int64)

      Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • effective_date integer(int64)

      The job assignment start date, measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • eligible object

      Object with the result of the insurance eligiblity check for a given job assignment.

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide eligible attributes Show eligible attributes object
      • message string

        A message with more detail related to the eligibility result.

      • result boolean

        The result of the insurance eligibility check.

    • end_date integer(int64)

      The projected job assignment end date, measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • id string
    • job string

      ID of the job that the contractor intends to accept.

    • net_rate integer

      The amount of money the 1099 contractor pays in premium per every $100 earned.

      A positive integer representing the premium owed per $100 earned. The net_rate is stored in cents (e.g., 48 represents $0.48).

    • policy string

      ID of the policy that you want attached to the assignment. Defaults to the most recent active policy with a matching job category code, work state and contractor home state.

POST /api/v1/assignments
curl \
 --request POST \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"job":"jb_jsb9KEcTpc","policy":"pl_WzFRszJhoY","end_date":1678334737,"contractor":"cn_Ehb3bYa","effective_date":1646818364}'
Request example
  "job": "jb_jsb9KEcTpc",
  "policy": "pl_WzFRszJhoY",
  "end_date": 1678334737,
  "contractor": "cn_Ehb3bYa",
  "effective_date": 1646818364
Response examples (201)
  "bind": true,
  "certificates": {
    "gl_coi_pdf_url": "/bound-policies/prod/gl_coi_pl_wv23Q3lMc1_1691450123.pdf",
    "wc_coi_pdf_url": "/bound-policies/prod/wc_coi_pl_wv23Q3lMc1_1691420903.pdf"
  "contractor": "cn_Ehb3bYa",
  "coverage_type": [
  "created": 1646818364,
  "effective_date": 1646818364,
  "eligible": {
    "message": "Contractor is pre-approved for insurance coverage.",
    "result": true
  "end_date": 1678334737,
  "id": "an_5HviNgc2Br",
  "job": "jb_jsb9KEcTpc",
  "net_rate": 65,
  "policy": "pl_WzFRszJhoY"