Create a job

POST /api/v1/jobs

Creates a new job object. Used to classify the work that 1099Policy applies to insure the contractor.



  • address object
    Hide address attributes Show address attributes
    • country string | null

      2-letter country code.

    • line1 string

      Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box).

    • line2 string | null

      Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).

    • locality string


    • ZIP or postal code.

    • region string

      2-letter state code.

  • category_code string Required

    The category code that 1099Policy creates for a group of similarly classified jobs.

    Job category codes are pre-approved by 1099Policy so you can offer contractors insurance to new jobs on your platform in real time.

    To generate pre-approved category codes for a group of similarly classified jobs visit the 1099Policy Dashboard.

  • Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. Used to store additional information about the job in a structured format.

  • description string Required

    A description of the job that includes the role, responsibilities and necessary qualifications.

  • entity string Required

    The ID of an existing entity for whom the job is being done.

  • name string Required

    The name of the contractor job role.

  • wage integer Required

    A positive integer representing the wage (e.g., 1500 cents is $15.00). The minimum wage amount is $1.00 US.

    Minimum value is 100.

  • wage_type string Required

    One of flatfee, hourly, unit or blended.

    Values are flatfee, hourly, unit, or blended.

  • The number of years of experience required to be eligible for the job.


  • 201 application/json

    Returns the job object if the post succeeded.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object

    Store representations of the jobs on your platform in Job objects. The Job is used to, among other things, ensure that the insurance coverage that the 1099Policy platform issues correctly maps to the work that contractors will do.

    • address object
      Hide address attributes Show address attributes
      • country string | null

        2-letter country code.

      • line1 string

        Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box).

      • line2 string | null

        Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).

      • locality string


      • ZIP or postal code.

      • region string

        2-letter state code.

    • The category code that 1099Policy creates for a group of similarly classified jobs.

      Job category codes are pre-approved by 1099Policy so you can offer contractors insurance to new jobs on your platform in real time.

      To generate pre-approved category codes for a group of similarly classified jobs visit the 1099Policy Dashboard.

    • created integer(int64)

      Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to the job object. Used for storing additional information in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. Pass an empty value, e.g. {}, to custom_metadata to unset all keys.

    • A description of the job that includes the role, responsibilities and necessary qualifications.

    • entity string

      The entity ID for whom the work is being done.

    • id string
    • name string

      The name of the contractor job role.

    • wage integer

      A positive integer representing the total wage (e.g., 1500 cents is $15.00). The minimum wage amount is 100 cents US. The maximum wage amount is 100000000 cents US ($1,000,000).

      Minimum value is 100, maximum value is 100000000.

    • One of flatfee, hourly, unit or blended.

      Values are flatfee, hourly, unit, or blended.

    • The number of years of experience required to be eligible for the job.

POST /api/v1/jobs
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"name":"Field technician","wage":15000,"entity":"en_Ah3tqYn","wage_type":"flatfee","description":"Install fiber optic cable from back to the front of the store.","category_code":"jc_MTqpkbkp6G","custom_metadata":{"campaign":"Volvo"},"years_experience":10}'
Request example
  "name": "Field technician",
  "wage": 15000,
  "entity": "en_Ah3tqYn",
  "wage_type": "flatfee",
  "description": "Install fiber optic cable from back to the front of the store.",
  "category_code": "jc_MTqpkbkp6G",
  "custom_metadata": {
    "campaign": "Volvo"
  "years_experience": 10
Response examples (201)
  "address": {
    "country": "null",
    "line1": "92 Geary St",
    "line2": "null",
    "locality": "San Francisco",
    "postalcode": 94114,
    "region": "CA"
  "category_code": "jc_MTqpkbkp6G",
  "created": 1646818364,
  "custom_metadata": {
    "campaign": "Red Bull"
  "description": "Install fiber optic cable from back to the front of the store.",
  "entity": "en_Ah3tqYn",
  "id": "jb_jsb9KEcTpc",
  "name": "Field technician",
  "wage": 15000,
  "wage_type": "flatfee",
  "years_experience": 10