Retrieve a quote Run in API Explorer

GET /api/v1/quotes/{quote_id}

Retrieves the details of a previously created quote. Supply the unique quote ID that was returned from your previous request, and 1099Policy will return the corresponding quote information.

Path parameters

  • quote string Required

    The ID of the desired quote (e.g., qt_5DciVga8Kt).


  • 200 application/json

    Returns a quote object if a valid identifier was provided.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • ID of the contractor.

    • Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide coverage_type attribute Show coverage_type attribute object
      • coverage_type array[string] Required

        An array of coverage types that can include one or more of the following insurance coverage values: general, professional and workers-comp.

        Values are general, professional, or workers-comp.

    • created integer(int64)

      Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • effective_date string(int64)

      The date when the insurance coverage is set to take effect. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. This date must be set in the future. The default effective_date is the next day.

    • eligible boolean

      Indicates whether a contractor is elgible for insurance or not.

      Default value is true.

    • end_date string(int64)

      The date when the insurance coverage is set to expire. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. This date must be after the effective date. The default end_date is 30 days after the effective date.

    • The amount of money the 1099 contractor pays in general liability premium per every $100 earned.

      A positive integer representing the premium owed per $100 earned. The gl_net_rate is stored in cents (e.g., 48 represents $0.48).

    • id string
    • job string

      ID of the job that the contractor was paid to do.

    • net_rate integer

      The amount of money the 1099 contractor pays in premium per every $100 earned.

      A positive integer representing the premium owed per $100 earned. The net_rate is stored in cents (e.g., 48 represents $0.48).

    • The JSON representation of component parts that make up the total premium amount due including, for example, the net rate, taxes, and fees.

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • The amount of money the 1099 contractor pays in workers comp premium per every $100 earned.

      A positive integer representing the premium owed per $100 earned. The wc_net_rate is stored in cents (e.g., 48 represents $0.48).

GET /api/v1/quotes/{quote_id}
curl \
 --request GET{quote_id}
Response examples (200)
  "contractor": "cn_Ehb3bYa",
  "coverage_type": {
    "coverage_type": [
  "created": 1646818364,
  "effective_date": 1646818364,
  "eligible": true,
  "end_date": 1678334737,
  "gl_net_rate": 20,
  "id": "qt_5DciVga8Kt",
  "job": "jb_jsb9KEcTpc",
  "net_rate": 65,
  "quote_json": {
    "gl": {
      "net_rate": 20,
      "stamping_fee": null,
      "risk_purchasing_group_fee": null
    "wc": {
      "net_rate": 45
  "wc_net_rate": 45